Ripgrep commands


Arumoy Shome


October 1, 2022

Ripgrep (rg) commands I frequently use.
--no-ignore don’t ignore patterns in .gitignore file
--hidden don’t ignore hidden (dot) files
--text/-a don’t ignore binary files
--follow don’t ignore symlinks
--fixed-string/-F treat pattern as literal string (not regex)
--type/-t limit search scope to specific filetype
--type-not/-T inverse of --type
--type-list print builtin types
--glob/-g include manually specified glob patterns in search scope, use ! in glob pattern to inverse

Ripgrep follows the Rust regex syntax, more details can be found here but the usual stuff mostly apply as well.

By default, rg performs a recursive search in the current directory while respecting the glob patterns in the .gitignore file. It also ignores hidden (dot) files, binary files and symbolic links. The --no-ignore and --hidden flags can be used to change that. Binary files can be searched using the --text/-a flag and symlinks can be followed with --follow.

To ignore certain glob patterns in rg (but not in git) a =.ignore= file can be placed within the directory.

An example of an inverse glob pattern is shown below.

  rg hello -g '!*.md' # don't search in md files

A note on rg’s types: These are customisable and a hand full of them are built in. rg --type-list lists them. New types can be added using the --type-add flag. To persist the new type, create a shell alias or define a rg config file.

As previously mentioned, rg can be configured using a config file. The name does not matter since rg looks for the file using the RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.

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