Packing and Unpacking **kwargs


Arumoy Shome


November 1, 2022


Packing and unpacking keyword arguments in Python.

In python, we can unpack keyword arguments using the **kwargs in the function definition like so.

def greet(**kwargs):
    for _, v in kwargs.items():
        print("Hello {}!".format(v))

greet(a="Aru", b="Ura")
Hello Aru!
Hello Ura!

Turns out, that we can convert the unpacked dict into back into keyword arguments and pass it along to another function as well! This is done like so.

def greet(**kwargs):
    for _, v in kwargs.items():
        print("Hello {}!".format(v))


def meet(a=None, b=None):
    print("Nice to meet you again, {} & {}".format(a, b))

greet(a="Aru", b="Ura")
Hello Aru!
Hello Ura!
Nice to meet you again, Aru & Ura
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